Demand Assessment Module 2: TIMBER

New Leaf Climate Partners is publishing the second part of our Reforestation and Restoration Landscape Assessment. This research project describes the where and why of sustainable land use across the United States in order to understand actual and forecast need for capital, seedlings and other inputs.

Our second module takes a run at the largest and most prominent part of that ecosystem, timberlands. Timber is far and away the most important driving market in terms of seedling demand, planting activity, economics, employment, and footprint.

In the analysis below, New Leaf maps: 

  1. Who owns and manages timberland, 

  2. What has been happening on that timberland,

  3. What sorts of timber value chains the land feeds, and

  4. What kind of seedling demand we see now and how we expect it will evolve in the future.

This study is jointly funded by the US Endowment for Forestry and Communities and The Rockefeller Foundation. Ultimately, this report sets out to help bridge the gap between intent and implementation of sustainable land use projects by establishing a foundation of data and context for reforestation activity across the US. This project is an accompaniment to our 2023 Forest Nursery Assessment which analyzed the supply of seedlings.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or input regarding our research, please reach out to:

If you’re having trouble viewing the report above via DocSend, download a copy below:


Demand Assessment Module 3: AGROFORESTRY


The Resilience Gap: Assessing California’s Wildfire Fuel Treatment Needs by Income Level