Demand Assessment Module 3: AGROFORESTRY
New Leaf Climate Partners is publishing the third part of our Reforestation and Restoration Landscape Assessment. This research project describes the where and why of sustainable land use across the United States in order to understand actual and forecast need for capital, seedlings, and other inputs.
This third module looks specifically at agroforestry - an important emerging part of that ecosystem. Nearly half of all land in the contiguous US is farmed - integrating trees into the agriculture landscape is a powerful way to strengthen existing value chains and establish new ones.
Our analysis lays out:
The current scope of agroforestry in the US,
The kinds of practices and parameters included in agroforestry,
The motivations for farmers adopting agroforestry, and
How agroforestry may affect demand for tree seedlings.
New Leaf’s work to prepare this study is jointly funded by the US Endowment for Forestry and Communities and The Rockefeller Foundation. Our research sets out to build a foundation of data and context that can inform investors and other decision makers where the rubber meets the forest track - i.e. to increase US reforestation and restoration.
This module is part of a wider series exploring the overall restoration market and critical subsectors, such as timber. The series is an accompaniment to our 2023 Forest Nursery Assessment which analyzed seedling supply.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or input regarding our research, please reach out to:
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